Kent Born
October 27, 2023
What is your CREFC involvement?
I was President of CREFC from June 2006-June 2007; on the Board of Governors from 1999-2014; on the Executive Committee from June 2005-June 2008; I've lobbied on Capitol Hill; I've testified before a House Subcommittee; I've been a conference co-chair several times; and I've moderated/participated in more panels than I can remember.
Have you made relationships with our other members? If so, what do you get out of those connections?
I have developed many personal and professional relationships with people all over the country and in all types of CRE-related jobs. These relationships have allowed me to learn about all facets of commercial real estate, while at the same time providing me a network of people to reach out to whenever I have CRE questions or are otherwise looking for advice. On a personal level, I have a lot of close friends in the industry that I met by virtue of my involvement in CREFC.
Any tips or advice for new members?
Get involved early and often! I have rarely turned down an opportunity to take on a leadership role in the organization, get involved in a sub-committee; participate in a conference either as a co-chair or on a panel, etc. This involvement will get you closer to the inner workings of the commercial real estate capital markets, which will make you better at your job (no matter what your job might be). Also, take part in CREFC's mentorship program, either as a mentor or mentee. It is a great way to meet people in the industry that you otherwise might not come into contact with. On a personal level, all of this involvement will help you expand your professional network, and make a lot of friends along the way.
Which of our events have you attended? What have you enjoyed about them?
I always make a point of attending the two main conferences every year - January in Miami and June in New York. The panels themselves tend to be highly informative with very good speakers. In addition, it is a great opportunity to network with your CRE colleagues from around the country, and also learn first-hand what initiatives CREFC is working on.
If you could mentor someone who is just starting out in your field, what advice would you give them?
I love to mentor young people, both through CREFC and also in other parts of my life. I always give two general pieces of advice. First, when you are starting out in a job, be willing to take on any task you are asked to do, no matter how mundane you might feel it is. As a young associate, no task is beneath you. Do everything well with a great attitude, and you will be the person a manger thinks of when more interesting and higher profile tasks come along. Second, making personal connections is just as important in your job as it is in your life outside of work. Getting to know your colleagues on a personal level allows for greater collaboration, better conflict resolution, and a stronger culture. As a manager, treating your team with kindness and respect is a MUCH better approach than using fear and intimidation.
Fun fact that people probably don’t know about you!
I was briefly a Kardashian by marriage! Kris Humphries, my first cousin once removed, was married to Kim Kardashian for a (very) brief period of time.
Describe what a perfect day outside of work would look like for you?
My family and I spend a great deal of time in Montana. In the winter, a perfect day would be skiing in Big Sky with my wife and three adult children, followed by a little relaxation and a nice dinner out. In the summer, all I would do is switch out skiing for hiking. The rest would be the same.